Strengthening Public Sector Institutions

Meeting the aspirations of a middle-class economy will require a more agile, responsive and effective public sector in India. To date, the pace of implementation has lagged behind the ambitions of India’s reform agenda — with significant service delivery gaps, including the reliability of water and power supply, transport connectivity, and quality of education — that belie the country’s middle-income status. 

Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ Group partners with public institutions in the sectors to improve their capability through better resource-management systems and improved accountability mechanisms to incentivize performance, including through increased private-sector involvement. Further the World Bank Group focuses on addresses transversal, core public sector capabilities, particularly at state and local levels, including planning, budgeting, debt management, public financial management, procurement, monitoring, statistical capacity, and citizen engagement.




  • The development objective of Energy Efficiency Scale-up Program Project for India are to scale up energy savings in residential and public sectors, strengthen Energy Efficiency Services Limited's (EESL) institutional capacity, and enhance its access to commercial financing. The Program consists of the following activities for FY 2018-2022, in EESL’s overall corporate investments program: Results Area 1) Energy Savings and Energy Efficiency (EE) Market Transformation in the Residential Sector, aims to Scaling-up EE delivery in the residential sector under the Unnat Jyoti by Affordable Light Emitting Diode (LEDs) for All (UJALA) Program, focusing on LED bulbs, tube lights and ceiling fans; Results Area 2) Energy Savings and EE Market Transformation in Public Street Lighting, aims at delivering investments in EE public street lighting, under the SLNP Program; Results Area 3) Development of Sustainable Business Models in new EE Market Segments, aims at supporting up-stream program development and incorporation of technical, environmental and social sustainability elements into the design of the new initiatives, such as air-conditioning, agriculture demand side management and Buildings EE Program, which require additional preparatory work before sustainable scale-up; but expressly excluding the actual capital investments for such new initiatives; and Results Area 4) Institutional Strengthening for Sustainable EE Scale-Up, aims at strengthening and developing the institutional capacity of the Borrower, especially with respect to financial, technical, managerial, procurement, environmental and social capacity and practices.

  • The development objective of the National Nutrition Mission Project for India is to support the Government of India and participating states to (i) strengthen the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) policy framework, systems and capacities, and facilitate community engagement, to ensure greater focus on children under three years of age; and (ii) strengthen convergent actions for improved nutrition outcomes.The project includes the following four components. (i) ICDS institutional and systems strengthening; (ii) community mobilization and behavior change communication; (iii) convergent nutrition actions; and (iv) project management, monitoring and evaluation. The project was significantly restructured in September 2015 to address these design and capacity constraints. The restructuring simplified the design by (a) focusing on a small set of evidence-based interventions, (b) building in sustainability by using existing Government structures to deliver the interventions instead of parallel project implementation units, and (c) ensuring the provision of high-quality technical assistance through a World Bank-executed Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF)-Partnership for Nutrition Results in India (PNRI). The proposed Additional Financing (AF) will thus fund the first phase scaling-up of the National Nutrition Mission (NNM) from the current 162 districts across 8 states to 315 districts across all states and union territories (UTs). The proposed AF will also focus on quality improvement of the ongoing project interventions within the existing project states. The original project will correspondingly be restructured to extend the closing date to August 30, 2022.

  • The objective of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Systems Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Program (ISSNIP) Project is to improve nutritional outcomes of children in India. The changes proposed are to amend the clause enumerated in schedule two, section IV.B.1 (a) of the financing agreement to include category two as an eligible category under retroactive financing. The change will make the financing agreement consistent with the agreement with the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) during project preparation that the project will be able to provide retroactive financing of not more than SDR 13,000,000 equivalent for expenditures incurred after January 1, 2011 till November 5, 2012. The MWCD had proposed the use of retroactive financing for CPMU costs as part of project management costs, which are under category two, which inadvertently was not included as an eligible category for retroactive financing.

  • The objective of the Tamil Nadu and Puducherry Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction Project for India is increasing the resilience of coastal communities in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, to a range of hydrometeorological and geophysical hazards along with improving project implementation entities? capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. The project has five components. The first component is vulnerability reduction. The objective of this component is to reduce the vulnerability of coastal communities through infrastructure such as permanent houses, evacuation shelters and routes, and resilient electrical networks. It has following three sub-components: (i) resilient housing; (ii) evacuation shelters, routes and early warning systems; and (iii) cyclone resilient electrical network. The second component is sustainable fisheries. The objective of this component is to address gaps in the context of a long term vision for the fisheries sector. The component aims at upgrading infrastructure, developing an approach for co-management of fisheries and addressing safety at sea. This component has following two sub-components: (a) fishing infrastructure; and (b) Second Fisheries Management for Sustainable Livelihood (FIMSUL II). The third component is capacity building in disaster risk management. This component will focus on strengthening the capacity of government institutions, civil society, the school education system and coastal communities through following four sub-components: (i) strengthening of state disaster management authority; (ii) Community Based Disaster Risk Management Program (CBDRM); (iii) curriculum development on disaster risk reduction for schools and training institutions; and (iv) completing preparation of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) plan for Tamil Nadu, completing erection of High Tide Line (HTL) pillars

  • The objective of Additional Financing for the National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project for India is to reduce the vulnerability of coastal communities in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa to cyclone and other hydro meteorological hazards. The additional financing will be used to scale up risk mitigation project activities and their impact and development effectiveness in the context of the October 2013 cyclone that hit the states of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. These aims will be targeted through expanded activities under component B (cyclone risk mitigation infrastructure) and the related incremental management and coordination support under component D (project management and implementation support). The additional financing will be processed with the following: (i) adjustment of the indicators to reflect the proposed scale up and additional activities, and (ii) closing date of October 31, 2017. As a result of cyclone Phailin, the Government of India is seeking support to further finance disaster preparedness, ever more conscious of the need for cyclone risk mitigation infrastructure in the vulnerable coastal states of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh.

  • India has been one of the fastest growing economies during the last decade. Between 2004 and 2011, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expanded at a rate of 8.3 percent per year while poverty declined by an average of 2.5 percentage points per year, a pace significantly faster than earlier periods. Poverty reduction was supported by higher economic growth and greater responsiveness of poverty to growth, including through the expansion of social programs. Increases in non-farm wage employment, especially in construction, greater rural-urban integration, and higher rural wage growth were amongst the key drivers. However, in the more recent period since 2012, a slowdown in rural real wage growth and volatility in construction activity may have had a sobering effect on the pace of poverty reduction. At the same time, acceleration of growth to 7.3 percent in 2015, if sustained, may lead to further gains for the poor. Maintaining the growth momentum, and increasing the responsiveness of poverty reduction to growth, is an India’s key challenge going forward. The overall experience of the past national sanitation programs offer several lessons. First, eliminating OD will not be achieved through a top-down approach of constructing toilets. Instead, it needs to be driven by changing behavior at the community level. This requires complementary ‘soft’ interventions such as interpersonal communication of hygiene messages. Second, the implementation of SBM-G is being conducted by the states, and therefore the role of MDWS is to support states with allocation of funds and incentives for achievement of programs goals and objectives. This role is proposed to be expanded to provide additional capacity building and technical support to the implementing institutions in the states. Third, by recognizing and incentivizing good performance of states and their implementing agencies, especially GPs,

  • The objective of the Skill India Mission Operation Project for India is to enhance institutional mechanisms for skill development and increase access to quality and market-relevant training for the workforce. There is no change in the overall scope of the program. While the project will continue to support implementation of the Government’s SD strategy, as outlined in the National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, over six years (2017–2023), the regulatory framework has been re-designated by the MSDE post an approval by the Union Cabinet of Ministers. The operation will continue to focus on enhancing institutional mechanisms at the national and state levels, including partnerships with industry and employers, to increase the market relevance of short-term SD programs and scale up their delivery. Hence, there is no change to the PDO.