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What¡¯s possible for Pacific Island countries by the year 2040? The Pacific Possible series looks at genuinely transformative opportunities for Pacific Island countries over the next 25 years and identifies the region¡¯s biggest challenges that require urgent action.

Press release

Pacific Island countries face unique development challenges. They are far away from major markets, often with small populations spread across many islands and vast distances, and are at the forefront of climate change and its impacts. But they also have unique opportunities which, if acted on, could provide transformative growth and development. 

Through consultations across the Pacific, seven key themes were identified which form the basis of the Pacific Possible report.




Deep Sea Mining
Noncommunicable Diseases
Labor Mobility

Climate change and disaster management

Financing for Development

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Video: In the Pacific, What is Possible?

Watch this video to see a realistic and promising picture of what is achievable in the Pacific by the year 2040.

People on the streets from across Pacific Island countries tell us their aspirations and what¡¯s really possible in their region.

Read the report's main findings to see the promising opportunities for Pacific Island countries.


Women of the Pacific Islands

Meet some of the region¡¯s young and emerging women leaders for their take on the future of their countries and the challenges ahead.

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