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BRIEFJuly 23, 2024

Public Institutions Data and Analytics

Public Institutions Data and Analytics Global Unit

The?Public Institutions Data and Analytics Global?Unit is responsible for strengthening the use of data and analytics in governance and institutions topics. It provides strategic support for cross-cutting engagements with a focus on how data and evidence can improve the functioning of public institutions.??The unit delivers on three main programs:

  • global trends in governance
  • country level data and analytics
  • climate change and institutions, and political economy of climate change


A diagram depicting the mission of the Public Institutions Data and Analytics team

An image depicting the mission of Public Institutions for Development

Thematic Areas

Climate Change Governance

An image depicting climate change

Canva image
Click here to know how Climate Change Governance uses institutions to address governance failures, strengthen incentives, and build capability for climate action. 

Governance Data

Explore tools, indicators, databases, and indexes on GovTech, bureaucracy, public procurement, institutions, and more:
GovTech Maturity IndexThe GovTech Maturity Index (GTMI) is a GovTech initiative to introduce a measure of GovTech maturity in four focus areas ¡ª supporting core government systems, enhancing service delivery, mainstreaming citizen engagement, and fostering GovTech enablers.
The Worldwide Bureaucracy Indicators (WWBI) database is a unique cross-national dataset on public sector employment and wages.
ProACT is a procurement anticorruption and transparency platform.
Global Public Procurement DatabaseThe Global Public Procurement Database (GPPD) captures data about country procurement and e-Procurement systems at a global level. 
                 A focused knowledge and analytics global program to analyze and promote the effectiveness of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in World Bank client countries.
PEFAPublic Expenditure And Financial Accountability (PEFA) is an open sourced monitoring tool that empowers governments to engage in meaningful dialogue to improve public financial management and support sustainable development. 

    Call for Papers - Public Institutions for Development Conference, January 30 - 31, 2025

    Submit your paper for the Public Institutions for Development Conference to be held in Washington DC (and online) on January 30 and 31, 2025. Click here for the details.