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his note will show how the use of open government principles and mechanisms can make a notable contribution to climate change action. It provides examples of such measures as well as an inventory of existing good practices and tools, which can serve as a source of inspiration for policy makers and citizens


This mechanism can assist SOE boards and senior management to strategically identify and manage physical, transition, and litigation risks; to benefit from climate-related opportunities


After undertaking this iSOEF assessment, regulators and SOEs will be better prepared to adopt and implement global standards and good practices in this thematic area.


The CCPEIR seeks to provide practitioners with the tools and information needed to respond to the public expenditure policy and management challenges arising from climate change


The DRR-PFM Assessment Tool identifies opportunities for reforms to laws, regulations, policies, and systems that can strengthen a country¡¯s capacity to manage disaster-related risks and sustain PFM functions after a disaster.

What is Climate Change Governance?

Climate change governance uses institutions to address governance failures, strengthen incentives and build capability for climate action.

World Bank Support

Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ develops global public goods and provides technical assistance to support governments to strengthen their climate change governance institutions, including green public investment management and procurement, climate change laws and green budgeting.




Green Public Procurement Report Launch Event

The event addressed the issues practitioners need to consider when designing and implementing GPP reforms. Panelists discussed country examples, including the Indian Railroads and the Philippines government¡¯s practices.
Launch Event Recording Arrow


Listen in on how the World Bank is helping governments turn their climate commitments into effective responses

From our Collection

A structured framework that SOEs need to accomplish the Climate-Related Management and Financial Disclosures for State-Owned Enterprises Toolkit. This can assist SOE boards and senior management to identify and manage physical, transition and litigation risks

As climate-related financial disclosure is a priority and climate change is a key area of focus, through this separate module, assessors and client countries can have access to a high-quality methodology and tools in a manner and system aligned with the iSOEF

Provides development practitioners and government officials with an understanding of the context and key design features of climate budget tagging initiatives.

What are the benefits for countries to adopt climate change framework legislation? Download the Reference Guide to Climate Change Framework Legislation to find out.

The Climate Change Institutional Assessment (CCIA) identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the institutional framework for addressing these climate change governance challenges.


DRR PFM video
This video gives a story about how our colleagues are working with our Caribbean counterparts to improve resilience to natural disasters and enhance social inclusion by using Public Financial Management Systems

Stay Connected

World Bank work on climate change governance is kindly supported by the governments of Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.