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Open meeting with Brussels-based organizations. Participants included ADRA EU; ADRA International; Bruegel; CIDSE; IOM Regional Office; Light for the World-EU Office; Open Society European Policy Institute; UN Habitat; University Catholique de Louvain; University de Namur; UNDOC; UNIDO; Universita di Torino (December 12, 2013).


ONE DROP: Operationalizing Social Arts as an Impactful Tool for Social Transformation: Jacques Rajotte, Chief Operating and Innovation Officer, and Danielle Valiquette, Chief International Programs Officer (March 4, 2014).


Lessons from Danish Policy Experiences (Initiative for Science, Society & Policy (ISSP), Danish Nudging Network (December 3, 2013).

European Commission

Overview of Report’s Themes (December 12, 2013).


Meeting with Agence Fran?aise de Développement (AFD) to review Report’s themes with focus on productivity (December 2013).

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): Meeting with Delegations from Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Slovenia, Switzerland, and the UK (December 11, 2013).


Consultation on Report’s Main Themes, with discussion of Policy Making, Art and Science of Delivery, Finance, Productivity, Health and Education. Participants included Asian DB; African Development Bank; Center for Implementation of Policies for Equity and Growth (CIPPEC), Argentina, Ministry of Social Development, Brazil; Initiative for Science, Society & Policy (ISSP), Danish Nudging Network, Denmark; Behavioural Economics Team of the Institute for Health and Consumer Protection of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission; Department of Economics, Sciences Po, France; South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University, Germany (December 5-6, 2013).

German Development Institute (DIE), Germany; Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany; Deutsche Gesellschaft fu?r Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany; National Team for the Accelerating of Poverty Reduction, Indonesia; UNDP, Moldova; Social Norms and Gender Equality Programmes, UNICEF Headquarters; Governance for Development and Peace, OECD, Paris; National Development Planning and Research, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Rwanda; Director General of Education Planning, Ministry of Education, Rwanda; Save the Children, UK: LSE, UK; University of Warwick, UK (December 2013).


Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Research Institute; Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo; Graduate for International Development and Development, Hiroshima University; Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo; Graduate School of Humanity and Sociologies, University of Tokyo (October 29, 2013).


Erasmus University, Rotterdam; HIVOS; Ministry of Economic Affairs; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry for Infrastructure and Environment; Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment; Ministry of Finance; University of Tilburg (December 2013).


University of Bergen, HHB Norwegian School of Economics (July 1-3, 2014).


International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) and International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) (Geneva, April 2014).

United Kingdom

Department of International Development (DFID): Report Overview; Focused discussions on Health; Education; Finance; Productivity (December 10, 2013; February and March 2014).

Behavioral Insights Team: Review of UK BIT’s experiences with using behavior and norms approaches to policies (December 10, 2013).

Overseas Development Institute (ODI): Overview of WDR’s Main themes (December, 2013; March 25, 2014).

Public World: Decent Workplace Norms and Experiences of Reforms in the NHS and in Home Care (December 9, 2013).

Oxford University: Governance issues and the WDR Themes (December 9, 2013).

London School of Economics: Overview of Report’s main themes (December 9, 2013).

CSOs: Catholic Agency For Overseas Development (CAFOD); CARE International; IDS/Sussex; Tear Fund; Save the Children; World Vision (January 28, 2014).

CSOs: Save the Children International; World Vision International; Public World; Overseas Development Institute; Oxfam International (March 26, 2014).

Department of International Development (DFID): Update on key revisions in the Report (March 26, 2014).

United States

Experiments in Governance and Politics (EGAP), Colombia University, New York (November 22-23, 2013).

Consultations with CSOs; Aga Khan Foundation; Bank Information Center; Catholic Relief Services; InterAction; ICFTU (December 17, 2013).

Experimental Methods in Policy conference, Curacao (February 14-19, 2014).

Meetings with AFD to review their background papers on labor and productivity (March 3, 2014).

Meeting with USAID to present the key themes of the World Development Report and explore areas of background research (March 3, 2014).

UNICEF delegation for meetings on the main elements of the Report and possible learning programs after publication (March 3-4, 2014).

Open Space on Youth and Violence: Empowering Works; World Vision US; Bernard van Leer Foundation (March 4, 2014).

Open Space on Health and Nutrition: USAID; International Medical Corps, Save the Children US; RTI; World Vision International (March 5, 2014).

Spring Meeting consultation with CSOs: Bank Information Center; Financial Transparency Coalition; ATD Fourth World; Heifer International; Accountability Lab; Action Aid (April 11, 2014).

International Rescue Committee (IRC): delegation including its Director of Research and Evaluation, Jeannie Annan (April 29, 2014).

Open Space on Child Development: Education Development Center; World Vision International; Creative Associates (April 29, 2014).

Academics and Researchers

Jeffrey P. Carpenter, Motivating Agents: How much does the mission matter? (August 5, 2013).

Edouard Machery, How to Eliminate Racism (September 26, 2013).

Mario Macias, Do Economic Incentives Affect Pro-social Activities? Economic Rewards to Motivate Blood Donations (September 24, 2013).

Jeffrey King, Behavioral Economics and Tax Policy (October 4, 2013).

Anandi Mani, Sex-workers, Stigma and Self-Belief: Evidence from a Psychological Training Program in India (October 10, 2013).

Margaret Levi, In the Interest of Others: Organizations and Social Activism (October 16, 2013).

Northeastern Universities Development Consortium Conference (November 1-3, 2013).

Joseph Henrich, Evolution of Social Norms and Institutions (November 11, 2013).

Ting Jang, Embezzlement, Bribery and In-group Favoritism: An Experimental Investigation (November 15, 2013).

Ann Swidler, Culture and Institutional Innovation: Missionaries versus NGOs in Sub-Saharan Africa (November 18, 2013).

Donald Braman, Cultural Cognition and Perceptions of Climate Change (November 21, 2013)

Ting Jiang, Embezzlement, Bribery and in-group Favoritism: An Experimental Investigation (November 25, 2013).

Harvard Business School: Met with Michael Norton, James Greiner, and Todd Rogers (and with a larger group of professors from HKS, HBS, and the School of Public Health. (December 2, 2013).

Ryan Sheely, Social Norms and Collective Action in Africa (March 2014).

Suresh Naidu, Assistant Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Columbia University: Detecting Political Ideology In Academic Economics: A Natural Language Processing Approach (March 2014).

Workshop with the Center on Global Economic Governance and Cornell University: Emily Breza and Jan Svejnar and Columbia University; Daniel Benjamin, Vicki Bogan, David Just, and Ravi Kanbur, Cornell University; Nava Ashraf, Harvard University; Session, Bruce Kogut, Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Center for Leadership and Ethics (March 2014).

Nathan Nunn, Professor of Economics at Harvard University (May 2014).

Yann Algan, Professor of Economics, Paris Institute of Political Science. The Long-term Impact of Social Skills Training at School Entry: A Randomized Trial (May 2014).

Luigi Guiso, Professor, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance. The Right Amount of Trust (June 13, 2014).