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Zero Routine Flaring by 2030 (ZRF) Initiative

"Zero Routine Flaring by 2030" Reporting

Governments and oil companies that endorse the ZRF Initiative commit to ¡°publicly report their flaring and progress towards the Initiative on an annual basis. They also agree to the World Bank aggregating and reporting the same.¡± In line with this, Endorsers are asked to provide flaring data at oil fields for the first full calendar year after they have endorsed the Initiative.

In the dashboards below, we present data reported under the ZRF Initiative for Endorsing Governments and Endorsing Oil Companies. The Global Flaring and Methane Reduction Partnership (GFMR) also publishes global satelite-based flaring estimates that can be viewed by country or individual flaring sites. 

Endorsing Government 

Endorsing governments commit to providing data on flaring from oil fields for the first full calendar year after they endorse the initiative. However, they may start reporting immediately if they are able to do so. All endorsing governments are requested to report both total and routine flare volumes. However, many governments are not yet able to distinguish routine flaring from total flaring in their reported data. 

Å·ÃÀÈÕb´óƬ continues to work with governments to improve reporting under the ZRF Initiative.

The dashboard below indicates both annual total and, where reported, routine flare volumes for endorsing governments and indicates the portion of that data that is informed by our own satellite estimates versus self-reported. Where flaring data is not self-reported; estimates using GFMR / NOAA / Colorado School of Mines satellite data have been used. 

Endorsing Oil Companies

Endorsing oil companies commit to providing data on flaring from oil fields for the first full calendar year after they endorse the initiative. However, they may start reporting immediately.

Oil companies report operated flaring, which is flaring for which the company, or a wholly owned subsidiary, is operator, i.e., the entire flaring volume from an operated oil field, not the equity share of the flaring. Oil companies do not include equity share of flaring in fields where another company is the operator.

The dashboard below indicates both annual total and routine oil field flare volumes for endorsing oil companies and indicates the progress being made towards ZRF. 

Comparison of Endorsing Oil Companies

The dashboard below provides a year-by-year comparison of the data reported by endorsing oil companies. 

Contact us

Governments and oil companies interested in making the commitment and endorsing the Initiative or learning more about it, please email us with your name and contact information.


External Affairs
Adam Pollard

Key Resources


This document groups the various types of gas flaring at oil production facilities in three defined categories: routine flaring, safety flaring, and non-routine flaring.

This document provides guidance on quantifying flare and vent rates at oil and natural gas facilities.

GFMR, in partnership with NOAA and the Colorado School of Mines, has developed global gas flaring estimates based upon observations from satellites launched in 2012 and 2017.

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