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South Asia Gender Innovation Lab

Impact Evaluations


Gender and Caste Discrimination toward Managers (India)

Gender Discrimination

This Impact Evaluation tested the role of perceptions around gender and caste on the job performance of workers and their expectations from supervisors.


Targeting the Ultra Poor Impact Evaluation (Afghanistan)

Economic Empowerment

The Impact Evaluation measures the impact of a one-off "big-push" package, including a transfer of livestock assets, cash consumption stipend, skills training, and coaching on poverty reduction and women¡¯s empowerment across 80 villages in the Balkh province in Afghanistan. 


Sending Messages About Schooling for Re-Enrolment and Learning (Pakistan)


The Impact Evaluation tests impacts of SMS and phone messages to encourage take-up of a school scholarship, re-enrollment in school, with specific messages for girls¡¯ engagement related to COVID-19 school reopening. Implemented as part of a distance learning program under the Third Punjab Education Support Project outcomes measured include impact learning, re-enrolment and time use. The findings aim to address evidence gaps on how to ensure learning continuity for girls in emergency settings.

SAR GIL - Bangladesh Student

Bangladesh Adolescent Students Program (Bangladesh)


The Impact Evaluation assesses the impact of phone based outreach to adolescent boys and girls during COVID-related school closures in Bangladesh. One group received a Growth Mindset outreach that promotes the idea that intellectual ability is not innate and can be built overtime. Another group received the Growth Mindset plus a Girl Rising outreach, where the latter sensitizes recipients to the value of girls education.


Strengthening Women¡¯s Economic Empowerment (Afghanistan)

Economic Empowerment

This clustered randomized control trial tests a community-based pilot intervention that provides tailored hard and soft skills training, business support services, and financial access to poor and vulnerable women in Afghanistan¡¯s rural and peri-urban areas. The evaluation will measure impacts on economic dimensions such as women¡¯s work, earnings, and savings as well empowerment measures including physical mobility, attitudes and decision-making among female beneficiaries.  

South Asia Gender Innovation Lab

Wage Subsidy to Boost Female Labor Force Participation (Pakistan)

Economic Empowerment

IN PROGRESS - The evaluation tests the impact of a firm-level wage subsidy in promoting women¡¯s entry into mid-level technical and managerial jobs in male-dominated technology sectors. The study also seeks to understand whether norms among employers can be changed by increasing exposure to women in the workplace.

South Asia Gender Innovation Lab

Using Online Employability Skills Programs to Improve Labor Force Participation for Women (India)

Economic Empowerment

IN PROGRESS - The Impact Evaluation tests whether a phone-based job portal app, which provides information about job opportunities, employers, and industries, reduces informational and employment barriers for young women graduates seeking jobs in India.

South Asia Gender Innovation Lab

Digital Labor Platforms and Training and Conditions of Work for Domestic Workers (Bangladesh)

Economic Empowerment

IN PROGRESS - This Impact Evaluation tests whether providing new job opportunities through a digital platform and training can advance the economic lives of domestic workers and lead to gains in income and improvements in the conditions of work, including reductions in the experiences of abuse and violence.  In a partnership with Oxfam Bangladesh and an app called Hellotask, it tests in a cross-randomized design the impacts of training and training plus access to the digital platform. 

South Asia Gender Innovation Lab

Entrepreneurial Mindset Development Program (India)


IN PROGRESS- The Impact Evaluation measures the impact of a novel curriculum that seeks to develop an entrepreneurial mindset among middle-school students. Outcomes of interest being studied include boys¡¯ and girls¡¯ soft and hard skills, test scores, and the micro foundations of behavioral changes.

WEESA - skills training

Personal Initiative Training for Entrepreneurship Outcome (India)

Economic Empowerment

IN PROGRESS - The Impact Evaluationmeasures the effectiveness of a psychology-based personal initiative training on female entrepreneurs¡¯ non-cognitive skills, business decisions and performance, and spillovers on intra-household dynamics.


Gender Sensitivity in Job Advertisements (Pakistan)

Economic Empowerment

IN PROGRESS - The Impact Evaluation measures the impact of an intervention that publicizes gender-friendly features of jobs such as flexible work arrangements, support for childcare and safe transportation in one of Pakistan¡¯s leading online job portals that posts more than 1,000 jobs a day. The research seeks to understand the extent to which reducing information asymmetry between employers and jobseekers regarding job attributes that female jobseekers particularly care about can promote women¡¯s labor force participation in Pakistan.