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QII: Advancing Green, Resilient, Inclusive Development


The Quality Infrastructure Investment (QII) Partnership, a collaborative effort between the World Bank and , was established in 2016 to provide grant support to incorporate the QII Principles in World Bank infrastructure projects in developing countries and raise awareness of the quality dimensions of infrastructure.

Activities financed by the QII Partnership

  • Integrate the QII Principles into World Bank-supported infrastructure projects in the preparation and implementation phases
  • Support research, analyses, and other activities that advance global knowledge of QII
  • Promote the QII Principles through short-term interventions

Applying the QII Principles in practice

  • Maximizes the economic impact infrastructure investments
  • Supports low-carbon growth through decarbonization and transitions to net-zero
  • Facilitates digital transformation and the effective use of data in infrastructure
  • Reduces both the impacts of climate change and the contribution of infrastructure to harmful emissions
  • Strengthens infrastructure governance by fostering openness, transparency, and efficiency  in infrastructure procurement and management

Tapping into Japanese experience

Japan is a global leader in promoting quality infrastructure investments. The QII Partnership benefits by collaborating with world-class experts, leveraging Japanese experience in implementing activities, and disseminating knowledge about QII. The QII Partnership works with the Japan International Cooperation Agency, the University of Tokyo, and other Japanese partners.


Through our efforts, the QII Principles are being mainstreamed and are shaping infrastructure investment projects in 75 countries across all regions. The QII Partnership also works in numerous infrastructure sectors, including digital technology, energy, transportation, urban infrastructure, and water. It also addresses cross-cutting themes such as climate change, gender, debt sustainability, and governance.

Applying the QII Principles


A senior Vietnamese woman in a wheelchair smiles with her grandchild standing behind her

In Viet Nam, the QII Partnership played a pivotal role in enhancing universal accessibility through the World Bank's Urban Upgrading Project. Their support led to infrastructure designs that cater to the needs of all individuals, including the elderly and people with disabilities, benefiting around 500,000 residents across seven cities.

Construction workers in Haiti lay asphalt on a road

In Haiti, a grant from the QII Partnership supported a World Bank project aimed at strengthening the resilience of rural roads. It developed a methodology and tools for transportation infrastructure planning,with a focus on addressing gender issues and community needs. It also enabled the use of satellite imagery and aerial surveys in developing transport policies in the capital.

Hand opening a tap while and water running down from it

Analytical work supported the creation of knowledge assets that can be applied to infrastructure projects globally. These included digital tools that improve resilience and efficiency in the water and sanitation sector, guidance for managing fiscal commitments and contingent liabilities, and a case study from Japan on using innovation and digital transformation to improve urban infrastructure.


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QII Annual Report

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