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Unlocking the full value of data

The Global Data Facility helps low- and middle-income countries improve lives and safeguard the planet by ensuring durable transformation of data systems and data capital through more and better funding for data and statistics. It enables multiple pathways to impact by helping states unlock the full value of data for development.

Here are some of the ways that data can be actively transformed into decisions that improve lives and livelihoods of poor and marginalized people and safeguard the planet:

Putting mobile phone data to work for policy

The use of anonymized Mobile Phone Data (MPD) for policy insights can help countries navigate crisis, produce more timely statistics, and enhance the delivery of public services. Learn how the GDF helps countries integrate MPD into their data systems.

Evidence-based knowledge is crucial for countries to use their resources effectively, monitor progress toward SDGs, and meet the greatest challenges of our times. See how Egypt used data to tackle climate change.

Data helps governments lift the cloak of invisibility from groups and issues that otherwise would remain overlooked. Listen to how gender disaggregated data helped improve financial policy in Chile.

The GDF aims to help countries collect and use the data we need to get the 2030 Agenda back on track.