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Building Evidence on Forced Displacement

Journal publications

The findings of our research on forced displacement helps development practitioners and policymakers design more effective programs for displaced and host populations. The following articles comprise a selection of journal articles and papers on forced displacement that are helping to inform policymaking. Browse through the selection according to thematic areas.

The Economics of Forced Displacement

Region and Development

, Journal of Development Economics

World Development

 World Development


World Development

World Development

American Economic Review

Social cohesion

, World Development

World Development

World Development

Oxford Review of Economic Policy

World Development

World Development

World Development

World Development

World Development


, Health Economics

Special Issue on Forced Displacement and Health (forthcoming), Journal on Migration and Health

Journal on Migration and Human Society

Health Economics e-Journal


Special Issue on Forced Displacement and Gender (forthcoming), Journal of Development Studies

Middle East Development Journal

World Development

Middle East Development Journal


Defence and Peace Economics

International Studies in Catholic Education


Forced Migration Review (FMR)


, Journal of Development Economics

, Journal of Population Economics

Covid-19 pandemic

Journal of Information Technology & Politics

Nature Medicine
