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Module 6: Forced displacement. Evidence in the education sector

November 1, 2023

The 6th module of the?Learning from the Evidence on Forced Displacement?training program focuses on education. Led by the American Institutes for Research (AIR), the training draws on the?Forced Displacement and Education?project to better understand effective approaches to including displaced populations into national education systems.?? 

The module introduces education in the context of forced displacement and reviews the state of the research and programming to date. The session then discusses the costs of education for forcibly displaced populations, followed by case studies of the system-wide approaches to educating displaced populations in Colombia and Chad.?Drawing on the extensive data collected during the project, the module discusses the barriers and facilitators to including displaced populations in national education systems within and across contexts. The interactive session includes short quizzes and allows participants to discuss practical application of the lessons from the module in their own work.?