08:30 Room: Metropolitan Gallery 1-4 | Plenary 3: Can governments and donors successfully and sustainably leverage financing flows from the private sector to achieve health and development goals? Moderator: Joan Larrea, CEO, Convergence Speakers: - Elena Sterlin, Global Manager, IFC
- Monique Vledder, Practice Manager, GFF
- Giselle Leung, Managing Director, GIIN
- Dr. Yekoyesew Worku, Director General (Operations), Ministry of Health, Ethiopia
- Karl Fickenscher, Deputy Assistant Administrator, USAID
- Ambassador John Simon, Vice-Chair, The Global Fund
- Martin Short, CEO, The Power of Nutrition
10:30 Rooms: Breakout 1: Dupont Ballroom Gallery 6-7 Breakout 2: Gallery 5 Breakout 3: Metropolitan Gallery 1-4 | Breakout 1: Development Impact Bonds (DIB)— Early learnings and the way forward. Moderator: Emily Gustaffson-Wright, Fellow Global Economy and Development, Brookings Speakers: Kia Kavoosi, Manager Capital Advisory, MaRS Priya Sharma, Senior Policy and Innovative Financing Advisor, USAID James Ronicle, Associate Director, Ecorys Kate Sturla, Associate Director, IDinsight Dia Martin, Managing Director, OPIC | Breakout 2: Redirecting private sector investments to align private innovation and profits with public health interests: Is value-based care a viable opportunity for health systems in LMICs and emerging economies? Moderator: Chin Maru, Founder and Executive Director, GDI Speakers: Nick Pearson, Founder and Executive Director, Jacaranda Robert Kaplan, Senior Fellow and Marvin Bower Professor of Leadership Development Harvard Business School Amy Bassano, Deputy Director, CMMI Sylvana Sinha, Founder and CEO, Praava | Breakout 3: Financial return vs. development impact: Can private health investment in LMICs really maximize both or is there a trade-off? Moderator: Sneha Kanneganti, Private Sector Lead, GFF Speaker: Lalarukh Faiz, Director of INVEST, USAID Akinchan Jain, Senior Financial Officer, World Bank Treasury Chris McCahan, Global Sector Lead for Health, IFC Prabu Thiruppathy, Principal, Kois Invest Monique Dolfing-Vogelenzang, CEO, PharmAccess Mr. Mohammad Monzarul Manan, Joint Secretary in the Finance Division, Ministry of Finance Bangladesh |
13:30 Room: Metropolitan Gallery 1-4 | Plenary 4: Exploring frontiers for AHFF Moderator: Daniel Dulitzky, Practice Manager, 欧美日b大片 Speakers: - Sara Bennett, Director of Health Systems Program, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Eduardo Gonzalez-Pier, Fellow, Center for Global Development
- Dr. Ulana Suprun, Acting Minister of Health, Ukraine
- Alex Preker, President, Health Investment & Financing Corporation
- Jacqueline Weekers, Director, Migration Health Division, IOM
- Francesca Colombo, Head of Health Division, OECD