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Measuring Development 2019: Crisis Preparedness and Response

March 27, 2019

Washington, DC

  • On March 27, 2019, the World Bank Group's Development Impact Evaluation group and program and Fragility, Conflict and Violence program are partnering with the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) to host their fifth in Washington, D.C. The event will showcase the use of cutting edge tools and methods for predicting risk, measuring (and targeting) humanitarian response, and tracking recovery and resilience in the context of conflict and fragility. This one-day event will bring together prominent scholars, Bank operations staff, and development practitioners to explore the unique measurement challenges that arise in fragile environments and present real-world applications of novel measurement methods. Each year, this annual event fosters new collaborations and partnerships at the forefront of measurement in development.

    If you are interested in speaking at this event, please fill out our short Call for Speakers form . If you have any questions about this event please reach out to dimeanalytics@worldbank.org.

  • The share of the extreme poor living in areas affected by fragility, conflict, and violence is expected to rise to nearly 50% by 2030, severely hampering global development efforts. Violent conflict has spiked dramatically since 2010, with trends such as climate change, rising inequality, demographic change, new technologies, and illicit financial flows posing additional risks. In this context, collecting basic information about what is happening on the ground is notoriously difficult. Thankfully, innovations in remote sensing, mobile data collection, cloud computing, machine learning, and other tools present exciting new opportunities for data collection and response.

    • Darin Christensen, UC Los Angeles
    • Raul Sanchez de la Sierra, UC Berkeley
    • Kristen Himelein, World Bank
    • Samuel Fraiberger, World Bank
    • Nadia Piffaretti, World Bank
    • Paul Christian, World Bank
    • Franck Bousquet, World Bank
  • DIME is a World Bank-wide program to generate knowledge on the effectiveness of development policies. Working across 18 thematic areas, DIME collaborates with 300 agencies in 72 countries to improve the effectiveness of policies and programs and strengthen country capacity for real-time evidence-based policy-making. More ?


  • TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM
  • LOCATION: Johns Hopkins SAIS, 1740 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington DC, 20036
  • CONTACT: Luiza Andrade
  • dimeanalytics@worldbank.org