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Nathalie Gonzalez Prieto


Research Economist

Nathalie Gonzalez-Prieto is a Research Economist in the World Bank's Office of the Chief Economist for Latin America and the Caribbean. She is graduating from her Ph.D. at University of Maryland in May 2023. Prior to her Ph.D., she worked at the Research Department of the IMF and the World Bank Chief economist office for LAC. Before moving to the US, she completed her undergraduate and master's degree in Economics at la Universidad de Los Andes in Bogota, Colombia. 

Her research interests are labor markets, informality, and firm dynamics. Currently, her work program is around informality in the LAC region. The objective of her research in this area is to bring together different approaches to informality and assess the latest trends, identify successful policies in the region, and an overview of the policy recommendations the Bank has issued to informality.  Other research projects she is working on are related to migration decisions in response to economic shocks, the effect of labor market policies during COVID, and the effect of firms' age and workers earnings dynamics.