Murat Sultanov is a Senior Operations Officer, Financial Access, Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation Global Practice of the World Bank Group, since September 15, 2014. He is part of the Global Secured Transactions Team as a Secured Transactions & Collateral Registry Specialist and is currently based in Dubai, UAE.
Murat works to support reforms of secured transactions & collateral registries in MENA, ECA and South Asia regions. He previously worked as a Program Manager for the IFC Advisory Services in MENA and ECA where he supervised a number of programs including secured transactions & collateral registries, credit reporting and leasing. He has extensive experience in managing and implementing regulatory reforms and capacity building programs globally.
Murat¡¯s experience includes drafting and supporting the enactment of various legislative acts related to leasing, secured transactions and credit reporting in more than 30 jurisdictions in the former Soviet Union, Middle East & North Africa, South East Asia and Africa. He represented IFC at the Advisory Board and Drafting Committee at UNIDROIT to develop Model Law on Leasing between 2005 and 2008. He holds an LL.M degree (Master of Laws) from the University of Southampton, U.K.
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