Dilip Ratha is a Lead Economist and Economic Adviser to the Vice President of Operations at the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) in the World Bank. In this role, he monitors global trends and financial flows with a view to supporting private capital mobilization in developing countries.
According to the New York Times, ¡°No one has done more than Mr. Ratha to make migration and its potential rewards a top-of-the-agenda concern in the world¡¯s development ministries.¡±
Considered a global expert on remittances and innovative financing, he has published pioneering papers on migration, diaspora bonds, future-flow securitization, predicting sovereign ratings, and South-South FDI. His , with almost 1.5 million views, has inspired many fintech start-ups. He is the Founder of KNOMAD, the Migrating out of Poverty Research Program Consortium, and the African Institute of Remittances.
Besides migration, he has done pioneering work on innovative financing including diaspora bonds, future-flow securitization, shadow sovereign ratings, performance-indexed bonds and South-South foreign direct investment.
Prior to joining the World Bank, Dilip was an Asia Regional Economist at Credit Agricole Indosuez W.I. Carr Securities (Hong Kong and Singapore) and an Economist at the Policy Group (Delhi). Prior to that, he was an Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad where he taught macroeconomics. He has a Ph.D. in economics from Indian Statistical Institute where he heled build a multi-sector CGE model of the Indian economy to analyze planning and resource mobilization through taxes, administered price increases, and food and fertilizer subsidies. He is frequently cited in major media channels worldwide.
Dilip is the editor of , a popular blog, and can be followed .
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