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Building Evidence in Education


What is Building Evidence in Education (BE2)?

Building Evidence in Education (BE2) is a donor working group, launched in 2012, with the aim to engage bilateral and multilateral organizations and foundations. The objectives of BE2 are to:

  • Strengthen donor research collaboration and coordination,
  • Encourage higher standards of commissioned research, and
  • Promote the availability and access to rigorous evidence.

Why a donor working group?

We recognize that donors have a unique opportunity and responsibility to advance the quality and use of evidence in the education sector through setting higher standards for the research we commission, coordinating our respective research agendas and engaging with policy makers to increase uptake of evidence for decision making.


Institution-based: multilateral and bilateral donors and independent foundations working in the education sector.
Over 30 donor institutions represented. 


  • Steering Committee: DFID, USAID, the World Bank Group; rotating UN agency (currently UNESCO).
  • Activities and priorities guided by Steering Committee and members.
  • Supported by a BE2 Secretariat: secretariat@building-evidence-in-education.org.

Key Activities:

In-person and virtual meetings, focused on emerging evidence and research methods.

Recent focus areas: education system diagnostics, early childhood education, implementation science.

Research Mapping: member research mapping and knowledge sharing to facilitate coordination and collaboration.


BE2 Interest Groups:

Cost Capture Guidance

Early Childhood Development

Education in Emergencies

Knowledge Systems Strengthening

Teacher Professional Development

Youth Employment Funders Group

Member Organizations

World Bank Group

Last Updated: Oct 15, 2021