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October 10, 2022

Russian representatives¡¯ participation in the 2022 WBG/IMF Annual Meetings

Roman Marshavin

Executive Director for Russian Federation and Syria, Roman Marshavin at the October 2022 IMF-WBG Annual Meetings

World Bank Group

In October 2022, for the first time since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Annual Meetings of the WBG/IMF were held in person with the possibility of remote connection.

Development Committee Dinner was held on October 13, 2022. The dinner guests included Governors who arrived to participate in Annual Meetings in person, as well as Senior Management of the WBG. Russia and Syria were represented by the Executive Director Roman Marshavin. The participants discussed learning losses after the pandemic and possible ways to tackle the issue.

Roman Marshavin also spoke at the 106th Meeting of the Development Committee on October 14, 2022, on behalf of the Russian Federation.

The Development Committee Agenda included topics, such as food and energy crisis and the financial aspect of achieving climate and development goals.

Version in Russian

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