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Asia Pacific Regional Pandemic Preparedness and Response Forum

September 18-20, 2023
Asia Pacific Pandemic preparedness and response regional forum

Jointly organized by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Korea and the World Bank Group, this forum was an opportunity to showcase the key findings of the WBG-Republic of Korea Partnership on Pandemic Preparedness and Response Advisory Services and Analytics Project which started in 2021. Five country case studies (, , , , ) and 6 thematic policy notes (, , , , improving pandemic response of , and the  in responding to COVID-19) were developed throughout the course of this project through the joint efforts of country experts and World Bank task teams. The forum brought together experts from 11 countries (Cambodia, Fiji, Malaysia, Mongolia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Republic of Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam) to promote the generation of knowledge and adaptation of international best practices in preparing for and responding to subsequent phases of COVID-19 and future pandemics.



  • Date: : September 18-20, 2023
  • Venue: Bangkok