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From Safety to Empowerment: Pathways for Improved Mobility for Women in South Asia

December 7, 2022

Wednesday, December 7, 2022 | 7:00 - 08:00 AM EST

South Asia had the second lowest female labor force participation (FLFP) globally as of 2019. Across the region, gender disparities are stark with over 23 % for women (compared to 77% for men) in the labor force. Restricted mobility is a key hurdle reducing women¡¯s freedom to invest in human capital and to access quality jobs. Importantly, improving mobility goes beyond improving connectivity. For women, it is often about preventing sexual harassment in public transport and spaces. Alarming percentages of women and girls report being sexually harassed in public spaces and public transport in South Asia. Research done in the region confirms that perceptions of safety in public places have an important impact on women¡¯s decision of whether or not to take up work outside the home and if and where to study.

Organized by the South Asia Gender Innovation Lab (SAR GIL) and South Asia Social Sustainability and Inclusion (SAR SSI) with the support of the South Asia Regional Trade Facilitation Program (SARTFP), this event will discuss the importance of enhancing safer mobility and what best practices we can draw upon to improve safety for women and girls in South Asia. This will be a conversation with leading practitioners from and outside the region.


  • DATE: Wednesday, December 7, 2022
  • TIME: 07:00 - 08:00 AM EST
  • CONTACT: South Asia Gender Innovation Lab 
  • sargenderlab@worldbank.org