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6th Global Pension and Savings Conference
April 2-3, 2014Washington, DC

The conference will focus on lessons learned over the past 20 years in analyzing and implementing pension policies. It will use shared global experiences to set out a positive forward-looking agenda for the tools, techniques, and policies to improve pension outcomes in the coming decades.

Jointly hosted by the Financial & Private Sector Development and Human Development Networks, the conference (formerly known as the Contractual Savings Conference), will focus on lessons learnt over the past 20 years in analyzing and implementing pension policies. It will use shared global experiences to set out a positive forward-looking agenda for the tools, techniques, and policies to improve pension outcomes in the coming decades.

The agenda will combine the insights of country, regional and global experts from government, regulators and supervisors, academics and pension industry leaders; and it will provide a key input and platform for how good policy and delivery of public and private pensions can help to eradicate poverty and boost shared prosperity sustainably.

As in previous years, the conference attracts senior policy makers, regulators and supervisors who are involved with pension funds systems, both in the retirement and payout phase; pension fund managers and managers from life insurance companies; academics; officials from international financial organizations; pension fund managers associations; as well as staff from the World Bank Group, and the International Monetary Fund.

Event proceedings can be found here


The 6th Global Pension and Savings Conference will be held at the World Bank Group Headquarters in Washington DC on April 2-3, 2014.

A separate half-day Seminar on Regulation, Supervision and Strategy will be held on Friday, April 4 and is open to interested conference participants (registration is required due to limited seating availability).

To register, please click the applicable link below. The Registration Deadline is March 14, 2014.


Conference Fee:

The fee for participation is US$1,000 per person. This fee applies to participation in all sessions, course materials, breakfast, lunch, reception and refreshment breaks. The fee does not include travel or accommodation expenses, which should be planned by each participant. To secure your place at this conference, kindly follow the relevant payment instructions below after registering to attend the conference.

Wire Transfer:
We strongly recommend our participants to pay by wire transfer, as this is the safest and fastest payment method. Please contact us for wire- transfer instructions.

Credit Cards [Visa, MasterCard ONLY]
Kindly submit the following information:
1. Type of credit card: Visa or MasterCard (please note that we do NOT accept American Express)
2. Credit card number
3. Expiration date
4. 3-digit security Code at the back of your credit card
**All credit card information will be kept strictly confidential.


Pension Publications

? , by Will Price and Heinz P. Rudolph, May 2013

? , Financial and Private Sector Development Network's Pensions Team, October 2013

? , by Pablo Casta?eda and Heinz P. Rudolph, August 2011

? , by Eva Gutierrez, Heinz P. Rudolphj, Theodore Homa and Enrique Blanco Beneit, July 2011

? Book: , by Roberto Rocha, Dimitri Vittas and Heinz P. Rudolph, February 2011

? , by Heinz P. Rudolph and Peter Holtzer, December 2010

? , by Roberto Rocha and Heinz P. Rudolph, June 2010

? , by Roberto Rocha, Dimitri Vittas and Heinz P. Rudolph, April 2010

? , by Dimitri Vittas, Heinz Rudolph and John Pollner, April 2010

? Book: , by by Richard Hinz, Rudolph Heinz P., Pablo Antolin, Juan Yermo, January 2010

? , by Human Development Sector Unit, November 2009

? , by Heinz Rudolph and Roberto Rocha, April 2009

? Additional publications are available at /pensions


For more information, please contact the Capital Markets Practice

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* Click on the speaker names below to access presentations

Conference Sessions - Wednesday, April 2

Session 1: Setting the Scene: 20 years of Global Pension Policy

  • Averting the Old Age Crisis Reflections 20 year later: , SUNY, Stony Brook and former Lead Economist, World Bank
  • , World Bank Group

Session 2: The Sustainability and Adequacy Tradeoff as Countries Age

  • Global Trends and reforms: The OECD Perspective: , COVIP, Italy and OECD Working Party on Private Pensions
  • Developments, Difficult choices and Diversifying Systems in Europe and Central Asia: , World Bank Group
  • The challenge of rapid aging in Asia: , Asian Development Bank
  • The lesson from Poland: , Warsaw School of Economics

Session 3: Challenges and Innovations in Expanding Pensions Coverage

  • The role of incentives and behavioral economics in expanding coverage: , Harvard University
  • Towards Universal Coverage in Latin America through Better Pensions and Better Jobs: , Inter-American Development Bank
  • Pensions in India: Past, present and future: , Invest India Micro Pension Services, India ()
  • Auto-enrolment from concept to over 2 million more pension savers: , The Pensions Regulator, UK

Session 4: Global and Regional Reflections: Roundtable

  • , CEO, Retirement Benefits Authority, Kenya and President IOPS
  • , Division Chief, IMF
  • , President of CONSAR, Mexico
  • Uluc Icoz, Head of Private Pensions, Turkish Treasury
  • , Chief Adviser, Nomura Research Institute
  • Edward Whitehouse, Director, Axia Economics

Luncheon Remarks: "The Greek Public Pension System. Who sows, who reaps? Greek Public Pension System from the baby boom, to the fiscal boom, to the crisis" - , Hellenic Actuarial Authority, Greece

Conference Sessions - Thursday, April 3

Session 5: Delivering Better Costs and Investment

  • What accurate benchmarking tells us about cost and investment performance: , CEM Benchmarking
  • Market Structure, Scale, Expertise and Governance as drivers of improved costs and investments: , World Bank Group
  • Sweden: Costs, investments and continuous improvement: , Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
  • The impact of auctions in Peru and Chile: , Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Fund Administrators, Peru

Session 6: Investment: Global Trends to Practical Infrastructure Projects

  • The investment industry globally after the financial crisis: , CFA Institute
  • Institutional Investors and Infrastructure in Emerging Markets: , World Bank Group
  • Building infrastructure investment capability: , Global Infrastructure Fund, IFC
  • Mobilizing Capital Markets for Infrastructure ¨C The Colombian experience: , Financiera de Desarrollo Nacional, Colombia

Session 7: The Payout Phase: Products, Providers and Structures

  • The size and nature of the Retirement Income Challenge: , AXIA Economics
  • Linking accumulation to the payout goal to address mortality and investment risk: , World Bank Group
  • Securing Lifelong Retirement Income: , Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
  • Delivering annuities in Developing and Developed Markets: the role of private providers: , BBVA

Session 8: Bringing it all together: Lessons, Solutions and Outcomes

  • Pensions: Savings or Insurance: , Former Superintendent of Pensions, Chile and Chair of IOPS Technical Committee
  • The strategic imperative for change: , Senior Associate Center for Strategic and International Studies CSIS ()

Luncheon Remarks: "The Economics and Politics of Global Aging" - , US Social Security Administration

Roundtable on Regulation and Supervision - Friday, April 4

Roundtable Session 1: Strategies, Outcomes and Risk Based Supervision

  • Initial Presentation by: , Chair Toronto Center Insurance and Pension Program

Roundtable Session 2: Developing Investment Governance and Benchmark strategies

  • Initial Presentation by: , World Bank Group (Comments from and )

Roundtable Session 3: Delivering recordkeeping, IDs, MI and payment infrastructure

  • Initial Presentation by: , World Bank Group
April 2-3, 2014
  • Location: World Bank, Washington, DC
  • A separate half-day seminar on Regulation Supervision and Strategy : April 4, 2014
  • CONTACT: World Bank Capital Markets Practice 
  • capmktspractice@worldbank.org

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