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Global Payments Week 2012
October 23-26, 2012Lisbon, Portugal

The Global Payments Week 2012 conference was held from October 23 - 26, 2012 in Lisbon, Portugal. Over 150 participants representing more than 70 countries and 90 different institutions debated the most relevant topics in the Payments and Securities Settlement Systems space.

Over 150 participants representing more than 70 countries and 90 different institutions debated on the most relevant topics in the Payments and Securities Settlement Systems space.

The conference opened with the welcoming remarks from the Governor of the Banco de Portugal.  The plenary sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday focused on the new CPSS-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructure. 

On Thursday and Friday parallel sessions convened to discuss topics related to each specific regional payment initiative. 

Concluding remarks were given by the Minister of Finance of Portugal.

Plenary Session

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

(presentations linked to names)

Welcome remarks, , Governor of Banco de Portugal. 

The National Payments System of Portugal: session facilitated by Portuguese Authorities and FMIs.  , Banco de Portugal and , SIBS. 

Recent developments in payment and securities settlement systems worldwide, , World Bank.  , CPSS.  , IMF. 

Interventions from selected countries: Special key note speech by Daniel Heller, Swiss National Bank. 

Recent Developments in payment and securities settlement systems in the EU, session facilitated by the European Central Bank/Eurosystem.

  • Status in implementation of Single Euro Payments Area, , ECB.
  • Oversight of retail payment systems and instruments, , ECB. 
  • Findings of European study on the social cost of retail payments, , ECB.
  • Interchange fees in card payments,  and Heiko Schmiedel, ECB.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 

(presentations linked to names)

  • Special Session on Financial Inclusion.  Financial Inclusion from the viewpoint of standard setters, , Senior Advisor for Financial Infrastructure, Bank for International Settlements.
  • Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy in the provision of payment services, session facilitated by Gaiv Tata, World Bank Panelists: , ()  Administrator, Banco Nacional de Angola and , Director of Banking Conduct Supervision Department, Banco de Portugal. 
  • The new CPSS-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures: application to payment systems Principles for FMIs, session facilitated by Lawrence Sweet, FRBNY and Daniela Russo, ECB. 
  • The new CPSS-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures: application to CSDs and SSSs, session facilitated by Jose Antonio Garcia, World Bank and Jeffrey Mooney, US SEC. 
  • The new CPSS-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures: application to CCPS and Trade Repositories, session facilitated by, IMF and Daniela Russo, ECB. 
  • CPSS-IOSCO PFMI Assessment Methodology, , World Bank. 
  • Concluding Remarks, Vitor Gaspar, Minister of Finance, Portugal.


  •  by Pipih Purusitawati
  •  by Ranjani Weerasinghe
  •  by Johanna Jaeger

Presentations by Region

  • AFR - Sub Saharan Africa
  • ASIA - South and East Asia
  • API - Arab Payments and Securities Settlement Initiative
  • CISPI - Cooperation in the Commonwealth of Independent States Payments and Settlement Securities Initiative
  • PAPRI - Pacific Payments Remittances and Securities Initiative
  • WHF - Western Hemispere Payments and Securities Settlement Forum