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publication December 12, 2019

Kazakhstan Country Partnership Framework 2020-2025

The Country Partnership Framework (CPF) is a strategic document that will guide the World Bank Group's support to Kazakhstan during the period 2020-2025.

The CPF is fully aligned with the government¡¯s reform program, as well as to accelerate the transformation of Kazakhstan into a modern society with a knowledge-based, diversified, and private-sector driven economy.

The CPF focuses on the following priority areas:

  • Promoting inclusive growth, by strengthening the environment for private sector development, promoting market-led transformation of the agriculture sector, and strengthening connectivity infrastructure;
  • Strengthening human capital, by closing the gap along regional and rural-urban divides in delivery of education, health, and social protection services;
  • Securing sustainable, resilient, and low carbon growth, by managing natural capital including land and water resources, promoting less energy intensity and strengthening institutions and service delivery.

Underlying these focus areas is the cross-cutting theme of more effective governance and strengthened market and social institutions.

 (August 2023).