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Giulia Ponzini

Giulia Ponzini

Economist, Development Data Group

Development Economics

Giulia Ponzini is an Economist for the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS), the World Bank¡¯s flagship household survey program housed at the Development Data Group. As a member of the team, she co-leads the technical assistance to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics for the Uganda Harmonized Integrated Survey (UHIS) and Uganda High-Frequency Phone Survey (UHFPS).

Giulia is an expert in survey instrument development, data quality control, and multitopic household survey analysis. Her research interests include poverty, nutrition, agriculture, and rural development.

Giulia holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Finance from the University of Rome Tor Vergata.


  • Rome, Italy
    Tel : +39-06-7771-0244