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Davide Salvatore Mare


Economist, Enterprise Analysis, Global Indicators Group

Development Economics

Davide Mare joined the Enterprise Analysis Unit as an Economist in September 2022. Previously, he worked in different units with the World Bank carrying out different roles, including data manager for the World Development Report 2022 and co-author of the report The Innovation Imperative for Developing East Asia. He also holds an Honorary Lecturer position with the University of Edinburgh Business School. His most recent research focuses broadly on the role of the financial sector for firm performance, covering topics such as the design of prudential regulation for the stability of the banking sector, financing the recovery after natural disasters, and the role of a firm financial structure for innovation and productivity. Before joining the World Bank, Davide was an Assistant Professor in Business Economics at the University of Edinburgh Business School and a financial consultant for large European banks. His work has appeared in numerous peer-reviewed academic journals and reports, such as the British Journal of Management, the European Journal of Operational Research, the Journal of Financial Stability, the Global Financial Development Report 2019-2020, and the World Development Report 2022.

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