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BRIEFApril 14, 2023


Roman Marshavin at Spring Meetings 2023 2

Executive Director for Russian Federation and Syria, Roman Marshavin at the April 2023 IMF-WBG Spring Meetings

World Bank Group

The 2023 Spring Meetings marked a significant milestone as they were the first to be held entirely in-person since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This format provided an excellent opportunity for the Russian delegation to engage in several productive bilateral meetings with delegations from other countries.

The most significant event that took place during the meetings was the Development Committee Plenary on April 12, where global leaders discussed pressing issues related to development. Additionally, the Development Committee Dinner was held the following day, providing a more intimate setting for discussions on important matters.

Executive Director for Russia and Syria Roman Marshavin represented both countries at the Development Committee Plenary and Dinner. During these events, Mr. Marshavin engaged in productive conversations with representatives from other nations.

For further insight into the Russian delegation's participation in the Spring Meetings, readers can refer to the interview with Mr. Marshavin, where he shares his thoughts on the outcomes of the meetings: and

Version in Russian

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